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Brooke’s Fitness Board – February 12, 2019

Hey guys and girls! Today I’m Going to give you 5 tips on how to stay on track while dieting! Plan ahead! Always plan ahead with everything including meals and workouts. Start meal prepping and create meals for your self, to help keep you away from binge eating what ever ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – February 5th, 2019

Hello everyone today I’m going to talk about taking a week off from the gym and why it’s actually good for you, not bad! First of all if your anything like me and feel as if you are guilty and missing out when you skip a day in the gym ...

Fuel The Hunger Tip of Week February 1st, 2019

Eat 5 - 6 times a day Eat breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner, later evening  Eat smaller meals and add snacks but do not eat way more food overall than you were before. Eating late at night is good, your body needs the fuel for when ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – January 29th, 2019

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about what you should warm up and why before you exercise and why you should cool down when your done. First warming up your body before doing strenuous work to your muscles will prevent Injury, as well as it will help you perform ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – January 22nd, 2019

Hello everyone this week I’m going to talk about my Monday fitness routine and what I do to mix up my workouts. Monday is the start of a new week and like most people I like to workout chest/triceps. I switch up my my chest workout every other week with ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – January 17th, 2019

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk to you about meal prepping, it’s the easiest yet hardest thing to do and it is so important to do. When I meal prep I have to mix up my foods, I cannot eat the same thing day in and day out. I ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – January 8th, 2019

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the differences between concentric contraction and eccentric contraction, And how you can involve them into your workout. As muscles contract they pull on tendons which pull on bones, This creates movement in the specific area. There are two types of main contractions, ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – January 1st, 2019

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about staying on track during the holidays! We all know how hard it is to stay on track when all the delicious snacks and food come out! First you are going to need to make a plan. You need to plan out days ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – December 19, 2018

Hey! Today I’m going to talk about heavy lifting in the gym vs light weight with more repetitions. People often get the misconception that you need to lift as heavy as possible in order to build muscle. Well that’s not the case, you can lift relatively light weight with higher ...

Brooke’s Fitness Board – December 11, 2018

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the best fat burning ideas that I think actually work. First we will talk about eating meals with high amounts of protein. Eating more protein makes you feel more full so your snacking less through out the day and protein also burns ...